Here is 'Dorset Deserves Better's contribution to the consultation with its accompanying letter. The consultation is now closed but was here Housing strategy survey - Dorset Council
Dear Councilllor Somper,
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Dorset Council's Housing Strategy Consultation which closes tonight. I enclose our response which comes jointly from the Dorset Deserves Better Alliance and Dorset CPRE.
We have serious concerns over some of the information in the "Evidence Base" presented by Dorset Council. This is significant because some of the figures appear factually incorrect while others seem to be incomplete and misleading. If the “Evidence Base” is in question, then it follows that the housing strategy may be based on false assumptions.
We hope you will take our analysis into consideration and we would be delighted to discuss any aspects of our response with you in more detail.
Best Regards,
Giles Watts and Mike Allen