Following recent exchanges with Dorset Council, the campaign for an improved Local Plan will be reviewing a revised plan of action, probably in January. Anyone who wants to get involved is invited to do so. The information here provides useful background.
Extracts from email received 18th November from Giles Watt ( who is currently coordinating the Dorset Deserves Better Alliance (of which Planet Shaftesbury is part).
On 3rd November, 7 members of the Dorset Deserves Better Alliance (including Rachel Bodle of Planet Shaftesbury) met up with Cllr David Walsh at County Hall to discuss the Local Plan. I enclose an open letter to Spencer Flower which was sent today in response to that visit. I also enclose a copy of the questions and answers that were submitted to Dorset Council before the meeting. Please circulate these as you see fit. I will be sending a copy to all Dorset Councillors and all Town and Parish clerks. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
We intend to follow up this open letter with a brief Press Release next week. After this, it is our intention to write a new briefing paper with a revised plan of action for the Dorset Deserves Better Campaign. We will circulate this to all Alliance members and then call a meeting of the Alliance - probably in January now. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions on this outline plan.
Copy of questions, & answers, related to the meeting with Cllr David Walsh
Open letter to Cllr Spencer Flower, Leader of Dorset Council
Reply received from Cllr Spencer Flower on 21st November
Good morning
Thank you for your open letter to me dated Friday 18 November 2022 the details of which are noted.
I was aware that David has met with those who have put their name to the email below. He informed me that it had been a good meeting, which lasted for about 2 hours. David is adamant that all the concerns and questions set out in the attachments to your email have been answered, so I am not quite sure of the reasoning behind you again writing to me seeking answers to questions which you have already asked, for which comprehensive responses have been given.
Officers have now commenced work on a comprehensive review of the draft Dorset Local Plan, which is scheduled to be put to members at Full Council in the third quarter of 2024, ahead of submission to the Secretary of State for an Examination in Public. This is in line with the revised Local Development Scheme, published and approved by Cabinet on the 4 October 2022. This decision was supported by a really comprehensive report to Cabinet, setting out the reasons for the extension of timescale and key milestones. There is nothing further to add other than to again acknowledge the constructive meeting which was held with yourselves and Cllr David Walsh earlier this month.
The revised LDS timescales are extremely tight, but I had stressed the importance of getting the first Dorset Local Plan approved as soon as possible but most importantly, having considered the views of the 9,000 people who responded to the consultation back in 2021 and other more recent factors as set out in the report to the Cabinet on the 4 October.
Thank you for your continued interest in the Dorset Local Plan, however there is little or nothing further to add at this time.
As previously advised Cllr David Walsh is now the single point of contact on all matters relating to the Dorset Local Plan.
Kind regards
Councillor Spencer Flower
Leader of Dorset Council