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Rejuvenating Breach Common - 6-10-20

Thank you to John Rutter for this summary update with its useful links – and for many opportunities to join in healthy, socially-distanced, constructive outdoor activity this year!

The Friends of Breach Common have reformed and are following a phased plan for rejuvenating the Common,

Phase 1. The eradication of Himalayan Balsam which has invaded the Common;

Phase 2. Carry out a habitat survey;

Phase 3. Draw up Management Plan for the Common’s use by all: including the pond life, the birds and insects plus the people who enjoy visiting whether it be for walking, running, cycling or walking dogs etc.

Phase 4. Carry out the Management Plan.

Every Saturday during this summer up to 30 people have met and tackled specific areas of the Common removing the non-native Himalayan Balsam. This is a 3 year project as the plant is so prolific. So far we have been working on the areas on both sides of the road and we have made a big difference already. Where we have cleared paths through the brambles to pull up the Himalayan Balsam you could pick blackberries this August.

Go along and have a look. But when we have finished more native plants will be able to thrive.

Latterly I have been leading one hour guided walks round the Common exploring the Holloways and flora and fauna.

You can listen to my reports on (do a search on ‘Breach Common’)

And you can subscribe to receive my blog postings at

Contact John and the Friends of Breach Common at

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