Here are a series of messages from Paula Klaentschi, Coordinator, Stop Portland Waste Incinerator, providing the latest on the situation.
From 16th August:
despite overwhelming community opposition, Powerfuel Portland have started the process of a Planning Appeal.
This is against Dorset Council’s unanimous decision to REFUSE the Portland waste incinerator planning application.
In every planning application the applicant/appellant is presenting a “planning balance”. The appeal process allows Powerfuel to provide the evidence to back their claims that, on balance, the harms of the proposal are outweighed by the benefits. Powerfuel argue that 30 jobs, a new footpath round the island, shore power to cruise ships and potential district heating to the prison, makes this all worthwhile.
Dorset Council concentrate the public purse to seek that the 3 Planning Refusal Reasons are upheld presenting relevant information on waste management, impact on views and landscape and the protection of our historic buildings and structures. But nothing about all the other reasons that were set out in the planning process. Our campaign will seek to take a leading role in the inquiry requesting ‘rule 6 status’ which enables us to submit detailed reports, call our own witnesses, cross examine and be present on the site visit. The Planning Inspector will be interested in our local knowledge.
If we do not do this all your and our previous hard work is likely to be skirted over and downplayed, lost in the enormous pile of documents.
We all must wait for the Planning Inspectorate to validate the application. This allocates an Inspector, completes validation checks, and publishes the Appeal Registration Case Number. . until then dates are unknowable but certainly onerous for our campaign to be ready.
It is only after this that Dorset Council will send to each of the 3,341 individuals, who originally objected, a direct notification explaining how to respond. New people moving into the area are encouraged to respond direct to the Planning Inspectorate.
All submissions should follow this guidance
The 24-26 maximum week Appeal relentless process is not undertaken lightly and certainly it is very onerous for a Campaign group of volunteers. We urgently need to engage early legal planning advice to prepare the case, followed by representation, air quality consultants, ecology experts and other expertise as expert witnesses at the Public Inquiry. We cannot get this done without your help. Our goal is £60,000, we will exercise extreme thrift.
5,000 printed copies of the Stop Portland Waste Incinerator Campaign leaflet are being delivered door to door.
Here is the crowdfunder link
From 24th August:
today we can share the brilliant news that our crowdfunding has passed the 50% mark of the target. We are so grateful to have been given a truly substantial sum from a local resident who would like you to know:
"As a Portland resident, I live and work in a community that would bear the brunt of this incinerator for the next 30 years.
Having looked at the arguments, I can't see a single benefit to building this facility - it's going to tarnish the air we breathe, pollute the marine environment, degrade our incredible wildlife, impact the tourism industry that's key to Portland and Weymouth, and reduce the quality of life for local people.
Given that we already have more than enough incineration capacity in the South West, it's not even needed.
I’ve ‘dug deep’ to give this money because, as far as I'm concerned, this is a fight to save the Portland we know and love.
And hopefully, this will inspire others who are able to give too?”
The funds raised so far will enable us to instruct a team of experts and legal advisors, for the initial stages of our challenge to Powerfuel's Appeal. We are also applying for a further small grant from the CPRE, who have already donated £2,000 expended during the planning application consultation.
We seek the remaining donations to enable us to fund the experts we need to support our presentations at the public inquiry, as well as be there for the day as expert witnesses to speak on our behalf. When it comes to the Public Inquiry itself, we hope to be represented by an advocate to argue on behalf of us all, including cross-examining Powerfuel’s legal team. The more we raise, the better prepared and equipped we will be to persuade the Planning Inspector to decline Powerfuel’s appeal.
There is a second print run of leaflets currently being distributed by a marvellous group of people. Press releases will be going to local TV and press and social media in the very near future. All help most gratefully received, sharing the news and putting the logo in your car windows will be a great help too.
We received this video share request on August 26th.
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