Environmental Umbrella Organisations
Thu, 24 Sept
Planet Shaftesbury meets Planet Purbeck - we're joining a meeting with Wiltshire Climate Alliance, Ringwood Actions for Climate Emergency and a number of Purbeck-based councillors and environmental groups who want to explore the possibility of setting up an umbrella organisation for Purbeck.

Time & Location
24 Sept 2020, 19:00
About the Event
Planet Shaftesbury is one example of how local environmental groups and activists can work together to good effect. We're joining a meeting with Wiltshire Climate Alliance, Ringwood Actions for Climate Emergency and a number of Purbeck-based councillors and environmental groups who want to explore the possibility of setting up an umbrella organisation for Purbeck. There are guest speakers and Q&A.
If planning to join this meeting please RSVP to robbiewaitt@gmail.com so the facilitator has an idea on numbers
Zoom Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89998902246?pwd=TldXeUxJTHRZZ1g5dFBMUzk1VFoyUT09
Meeting ID: 899 9890 2246
Passcode: 893304