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Carbon Tax Environmental Event

Thu, 09 Jun


Bournemouth University

Planet Shaftesbury has received an invitation to join in this event which launches a research project with focus on Dorset households in the current economic environment. Open to anyone in our network but need to register for a seat & meal.

Registration is Closed
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Carbon Tax Environmental Event
Carbon Tax Environmental Event

Time & Location

09 Jun 2022, 09:30 – 13:00

Bournemouth University, Fern Barrow, Poole BH12 5BB, UK

About the Event

Carbon tax as a panacea to responsible consumption & production post-COP26

Overview: Recent agreements following *Cop26* have opened up several avenues for environmental research.

Offsetting the Climate Crisis through fiscal policy such as a *Carbon Tax* may be a viable approach; however such policies can only be achieved successfully when considering the impact on all enterprises involved.

In starting this Research on a local level [Dorset], relationships can be built between SME’s, the Local Council, Charities, and Research Institutions that aim to answer questions on *Sustainability, Consumption, Production* and to direct forward-thinking climate action on a regional scale. Additionally, in aiming to communicate and work alongside households/individuals, this event seeks to highlight the challenges these households face within a *Cost of Living Crisis*, heavily induced by the rising prices of emission heavy Oil and Gas.

This research will be somewhat focused on *Inequality* in the UK, propagated by the Climate and Cost of Living Crises, and what leaders on a local and national scale can do to mitigate short and long-term difficulties.

Planet Shaftesbury also received an agenda and map - please email to get a copy.

Invitation email (22nd May) says

Bournemouth University are now sending out an invitation to our Carbon Tax Environmental Event on the 9th of June.

Several guest speakers from charitable organisations, local businesses, youth activists, and University representatives will be in attendance.

Please register your interest through the link below as we have a limited number of seats and need sort out dietary requirements for the day ASAP.

Please let us know if there are any issues with registering and we look forward to hopefully seeing you there,

Kind Regards,

 Thomas Brooksby – BU Research Assistant (

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