Organisational Meeting, 5th December 2019

10 people gathered at Shaftesbury Arts centre to review how well Planet Shaftesbury is working for us as individuals who want to be responding to the climate and ecological emergency. Following a structured process we agreed a time limit for the session then constructed an agenda of ‘tensions’ we’d like to resolve.
The photo shows the state of our agenda by the end of the meeting – we’d tackled only 3 of a much longer list of ‘tensions’! But the discussions had been wide-ranging and we were hopeful that resolving these 3 tensions will ease many of the others. Briefly, the proposed resolutions were
To encourage and support more practical actions in Shaftesbury by having a theme and structure for future Planet Shaftesbury monthly meetings (from Jan 2020, Rachel to action).
To ensure that we continue to spread the word and bring people in. We will support people who want to take any ‘climate outreach’ initiative – such as: arrange a gathering of representatives from different community groups, public talk or discussion, film show, public event (eg. Circus, procession, mini-festival, street theatre), participation in wider community event (eg. Fringe). (Rachel to provide support opportunities at meetings.)
We will publicise our need for help with emailed newsletters and other communications that connect our network. (Maude to include a request in newsletter and publicise at meeting.)
Thanks to Rachel for these notes.