Dorset Council have confirmed that they are again going to try to get funding for Parsons Brinkerhoff proposal from 2014. The Dorset Cabinet will be voting on this issue at their 8 September 2020 meeting. This scheme involves cutting all the trees and the installation of soil nails and netting. Leaving the trees on the crest of each bank is 'optional' and no trees will be re-planted. The soil nails supposedly have a life of 120 years but will need regular maintenance.
The 'after' photo here is largely accurate and based on the consultants report, although the banks will be sloped back at a slightly less steep angle. The cost was estimated at £2.4M in 2014, but this did not include supervision and overheads, so our best guess is circa £4M today.
Let your Dorset Councillor know that your object to this unnecessary and expensive work, especially at a time when the council is already over £200M in debt and is struggling to support essential services. Also sign our petition at:

absolutely with you !
I am relatively new to the area, so it has taken me a while to catch up on this story, but when I saw at Dinah's Hollow in real life I can see why it is absolutely worth saving. It is clear that the concrete and nails proposed will not stand up to the elements as effectively as the natural solution we have now, and will cost an exorbitant amount to produce one of the ugliest sights in a county that has it's eye on becoming an eco-tourism destination. That might need a rethink. To quote one of the ten science-based rules in this recent BBC piece, "Protect existing forests first". #Scientists #SaveTrees
@William Kenealy is it true the meeting has been postponed until the 6th of October?
Yes please - this banner will be (done today!!) and an early one - I daresay there may be others! I do want to involve Compton Abbas/Twyford ( I'm a Hawkcombe Lane Separatist myself!) I think what Natalie Carr said - that these huge lorries are not good for any of us.... ergo ( is that right?) we must re think how we live. If I have time I will write something for our local newsletter and that next door neighbour thing too.
HI William - we are meeting at the Royal Chase Roundabout at 11.30 on Friday ... am I correct that you will hold one end of the banner?
totally - and we need to bring this to the attention of local people ( I know I know ) but I didn't realise, nor did my family .... so if I can do a banner for the roundabout about this speficially - I will. Yes what you said about pitting us against each other is quite right..... I will think on't! xxxxx
it is the SYSTEM that is at fault - who would welcome these juggernaughts? The villages along the A350 will suffer/are suffering.... perhaps people say : 'Not in My Back Yard' for a reason - I repeat, it's the system.... everything falls under the huge wheels of 'progress'.
I might do a banner for this .... our own HS2...'we don't know what we have 'til its gone'. and ? a before and after pic.... ( if energy holds out - I need to add that caveat atm!) will there be someone to hold it on the roundabout protest? 2 people?
is Sara Jacson involved?
well - that IS a jaundiced view .... and doesn't reflect the Dorset I know.... I guess I am ignorant of what has happened in Bridport Dorchester and Portland... but I will fight this particular battle with all available energy! We have lost enough trees!
Our own HS2 ?